Gateway to Higher Consciousness
Welcome to the Gateway to Higher Consciousness podcast, a place where we explore the expansive realms of consciousness and magnify awareness through thought-provoking conversations and inspiring stories. Join your host, Veronica Lillo-Roith, as she guides you on a journey to unlock your highest potential as a conscious being. With an experiential and super-curious approach, Veronica invites you to awaken and expand your horizons of awareness, tapping into higher states of consciousness to redefine your reality. Each week, we’ll apply a magnifying lens of awareness to manifold topics, from regeneration and leadership to parenting, all from a higher consciousness lens. As an amplifier of consciousness, Veronica shares her unique perspective, helping you see beyond what you thought was possible. This podcast is not about preaching, but rather a platform to offer you a possibility to feel and sense for yourself what resonates with your truth. Join us on this transformative adventure to awaken the power of your consciousness and embrace the regenerative parenting movement, redefining the future for yourself, your children, and the world at large. For daily inspiration and questions follow Veronica on Instagram @veronicalilloroith_int For more information about Veronica and her journey, visit: For community, join us at the Higher Consciousness Academy, where we unite to collectively nurture a new earth based on freedom, love, and peace:

Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
In this thought-provoking podcast, Veronica invites you to delve into the societal norms and expectations that have been ingrained in us since childhood.
From the pressure to conform to the status quo, to the emphasis on hard work over enjoyment, we explore the impact of these constraints on our personal growth and fulfillment.
The journey towards creating a future without limits starts with every single one of us. Veronica shares her experiences of breaking free from these limitations and embracing her unique potential, offering a wake up call and inspiration to dare to create your own path to listeners.
Join us on this journey of self-discovery and learn how to create a future without limits by connecting with your deepest desires and allowing yourself to shine beyond the boundaries that society has placed upon you.
Let us embody the conscious creators that we are.

Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
In this podcast episode we explore the idea that being "awakened" or having a heightened sense of intuition is just the beginning of a spiritual journey. This podcast is an invitation to not get too comfortable with this new enhanced awareness and encourage listeners to continue doing inner work to access higher states of consciousness. This involves releasing limiting thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors, and acknowledging that accessing higher states is not always easy or free of negative emotions. The ultimate goal is to increase the range of "radio stations" available to us, which can only be done through consistent inner work. And that equals self-realization, joy , fullfilment, and inner peace.

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
As parents (and leaders), we have the power (and responsibility) to shape the lives of those around us. But too often, we get caught up in our own self-doubt, fears & limiting beliefs, telling ourselves that we should be and behave in a different way (most often because we feel we're not good enough, pretty enough, or smart enough in specific areas).
This not only holds us back, but it also sends a message to those around us, those that we most love and care about, that it's not okay to be fully themselves.
In this episode, we dive into the impact our self-perception has on our children in our lives and the importance of self-love and acceptance. By embracing our own unique qualities (and flaws), we create a safe and welcoming environment where our children and people feel free to BE themselves and thrive. Join us as we explore how self-acceptance can unlock a world of limitless possibilities for all involved.

Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
As conscious creators, it is crucial for us to embody presence & courage.
This means having the bravery to trust our intuition and abilities, rather than constantly looking to others for guidance.
It means walking our own path, training our consciousness muscle, being fully present in the moment, letting go of judgment, and designing our life experiences on our own terms.
Additionally, it means training our ability to embrace uncertainty and see it as a well of possibilities, instead as a threat.
What the reward for this bravery is you ask? A fulfilling, thriving, abundant life filled with joy, alignment, inner peace, and overall bliss.

Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
When we deeply desire to create something, take a lead, a next project, a book, a presentation, whatever it is - we often get distracted, discouraged, derailed by the resistance and the friction that we experience.
Don’t get distracted from what you truly want by the noise of the weakest point in your chain!
It is going to appear always. Resistance is the symptom of evolution and expansion.
If you’re not experiencing resistance - you’re not expanding and evolving.
Focus on your dream and your desire and keep creating, showing up. Every single day.
That is why you’re here. To expand over the experienced resistance and to create what your heart desires.

Saturday Jan 07, 2023
Saturday Jan 07, 2023
In order to use the capabilities that we have, we first need to recognize them and then learn to discern them.
Learn in this episode the distinction between intuition and consciousness and why this is relevant for your expansion.

Saturday Jan 07, 2023
Saturday Jan 07, 2023
Consciousness is your most valuable asset. Do you know how to use it?
Accessing higher states of consciousness is the key to unlocking solutions to our world's greatest problems.
The problems we face on Earth cannot be solved from the consciousness most people exist in.
If we want to solve climate, war, inequality, hunger, mental health, politics, economy, then it is imperative that we access higher levels of consciousness - because only operating from that space we can truly create the needed solutions.

This is Your Space
This is your space to learn how to access your amazing consciousness. Expand your levels of perception & discernment, create a higher consciousness not only for you, but all the people around you, and increase your levels of joy, love and inner peace. So together we can collectively bring forth a new earth based on higher consciousness, freedom, love, and peace.
Remember to subscribe and to learn more go to:
Have a bright day! With love, Verónica